Am I cruel?

Sâ jag gick ut pâ youtube för att kolla nâra kommentarer lr liknande. Ett meddelande frân nâgon random snubbe ser jag: "Please subscribe to my videos?"


Snäll som jag är gâr jag in pâ hans kanal och det första jag ser är en tribute-video till alla som dött i Irak. Som en blixt till min hjärna kommenterade jag direkt:

"I am really sorry, (get's ready for the hate mail). I understand why you put up the iraq-soldier video, maybe you lost someone or similar. The thing is, when I watch it I think, why did they even go? Support the militaire in the first place, believe that a guy in a cave planned and financed one of historie's most elaborate bombings. When will people see the proofs and other 100 of signs that the WTC attack was and always was a total false-flag operation planned by its own country. The trick was to kill over 3000 of it's own citizens to give society a common enemy. And with the media slowly brainwashing the people with lies from FOX  and CNN or similar stations, of course the people are going to send the children of america to war. A war that is completely unnecessery.

Im sorry. once again."

Skickar utan att tveka. Men undrar hur mânga nu som kommer börja vilja tjaffsa. Oh well. I'm ready, bring it on you ignorant usa-lovers :P



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